Simple Element
A simple element that is not <complexType> can't have any child elements or attributes.
A simple element can contain only its value.
The following declaration of a simple element represents that an element '<power>' with its integer value must appear.
<xs:element name="power" type="xs:integer"/>
Data Types
- xs:string
<name>Wooden Sword</name>
- xs:normalizedString - removes leading and trailing spaces, tabs, line feed(LF), carrage return(CR) and can have multiple spaces between.
<name> Wooden Sword </name>
- xs:token - removes leading and trailing spaces, tabs, line feed(LF), carrage return(CR) and can have a single space between.
<name> Wooden Sword </name>
- other string data types - xs:ENTITIES, xs:ENTITY, xs:ID, xs:IDREF, xs:IDREFS, xs:language, xs:Name, xs:NCName, xs:NMTOKEN, xs:NMTOKENS, xs:QName
- xs:decimal
- xs:integer
- xs:boolean
- xs:base64Binary
- xs:hexBinary
- xs:anyURI
- xs:date
- xs:time
- xs:dateTime
- xs:duration - start with 'P' and then 'Y', 'M', 'D', 'T', 'H', 'M', or 'S'
<vacation>P5D</vacation> - 5 days
<rest>PT5M</rest> - 5 minutes
- and more
Default Value
A default value is assigned when no value was specified.
<xs:element name="target" type="xs:string" default="single"/>
Fixed Value
A simple element with a fixed value can't have any other value.
<xs:element name="target" type="xs:string" fixed="single"/>