Online Manual

XML Grid Studio

High Performance XML Grid Editor

For Your Higher Productivity.

For Your Successful Development, Research, Game Design and Business

"Do you have a problem with XML editing?"

"Did you have a trouble working with large XML files?"

"Even impossible to edit large XML files with text editors?"

XMLGridStudio provides developers with the hierarchical XML grid editing tool and supports large XML files depending on your RAM.

Single version for personal, business, and enterprise.
For Windows 10 64bit.
Available from Microsoft Store.

the great alternative of XMLSpy

XMLGridStudio Features

New File Template (XML, XML Schema, XSLT, XHTML, WSDL, RSS, Text File)
XML Text Editor
Syntax Coloring
Line and Column Numbers
Automatic Indentation
Toggle Word Wrap
Copy, Cut, and Paste
Find, Replace
Undo, Redo
Hierarchical XML Grid Editor
Large XML Files Support
Nested Elements and Table Support
Image Display in Grid View
Pasting an Image in Grid View
Linking an Image in Grid View
Rename Element and Attributes
Element and Attribute Operations
Keyboard Navigation in Grid
XML Namespace Support
Single Click Cell Edit Mode
Area Copy and Paste
Undo, Redo
Fill Attributes With Incremental Numbers
Get XPath from Grid View
SQL Query Generation from XML Grid Table (SQL DB Table Creation, Data Insertion)
CSV Generation from XML Grid Table
HTML Table Generation from XML Grid Table
XSLT Generation to create HTML Table from XML Grid Table
Chart Generation from Repeated XML Elements (Line, Column, Row, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot, Histogram)
Tree View
Rename Element and Attributes
Element and Attribute Operations
XML Namespace Support
Get XPath from Tree View
XML Schema Editor
Edit XSD file
Select Keywords or Attribute constants from Properties UI
Add Schema Elements based on the Selected Schema Element Type
XML Wellformedness Check
XML Validation with XSD/DTD
Highlighting the Line Of Each Validation Error (in Text View)
Validate XML with a referenced XSD(file or URL) or a chosen XSD file
XSD(XML Schema) Generation from XML
Sample XML Generation from XSD (Simple XML Schema Only)
Supports Large XML files depending on your RAM
Grid Navigation UI for Large XML
Innovative Navigation UI
Word-based Filtering
Open/Save XML Request/Response as a File
Redis GUI Client
Redis Key Management : Add, Rename, Delete a Key
Redis Data Management : Add, Modify, Remove, Set TTL (Hash, String, Set, SortedSet, List)
SQL DB Client (ODBC)
Import XML from SQL DB Table
SQL DB Table Structure View
SQL DB Data View (Paging Navigation)
SQL DB Query View (Query Editor)
JSON Import/Export
CSV Import/Export (CSV export is available from the header of repeated elements)
XLSX(Excel) files Import/Export
XSL Transform
XPath 1.0/2.0 Evaluator
Edit and Test XPath Expression
File Explorer
Make a Backup File Quickly

Supports Large XML files depending on your RAM

Highly-optimized to accomodate large XMLs.
Edit a large XML file in the nested Grid View.
You can conveniently edit XML files in the visual Grid View.

Protein Sequence Database from Georgetown Protein Information Resource

683MB, 21.3M elements, 1.29M attributes, max-depth: 7 (Minimum Required Free RAM: 4GB, Recommended Free RAM: 14GB to use TextView as well)

Astronomical Data from GSFC/NASA XML Project

23MB, 476K elements, 56K attributes, max-depth: 8

Create xml elements with attributes in a grid form easily

add a table by just entering column and row counts.

edit xml elements and attributes in the grid form easily.

supports area copy and paste.

Nested Tables

supports nested tables.

Image Display in Grid View

pasting an image under an element

Single Click Cell Edit Mode

- Just click the grid cell once to edit the cell content.

It can reduce the tiredness of your hand.

Fill Attributes With Incremental Numbers
This makes you free from tediously entering repetitive numbers.

@id attribute values: auto-generated with parameters (Starting Number=1000, Step=10)

JSON Import/Export

Edit in XML, and then export to JSON

from XML to JSON

You can import JSON to XML editor as well.

HTML Table Generation

You can generate an HTML Table from a Grid. (nested elements are shown flat.)
In a lot of simple cases, you don't need to write your own XSL to convert XML to an HTML table.
You can use XMLGridStudio to create an HTML table using this functionality.

HTML Table from auto-generated HTML, supporting images in Grid View.

Chart Generation from Repeated XML Elements

You can generate a Chart from a Grid. (Line, Column, Row, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot, Histogram)
Find out correlations from the scatter plot.

Line Chart generated from repeated XML elements

Column Chart generated from repeated XML elements

Pie Chart generated from repeated XML elements

Scatter Plot generated from repeated XML elements

SQL Query Generation

You can generate an SQL query from a Grid to create a DB table. (nested elements are ignored)

SQL Data from auto-generated query.

SQL Table Creation and Data Insertion

XML Element to SQL Row, Attribute/Top-Child to SQL Column Mapping

CSV Generation (CSV Import/Export)

You can generate(export) a CSV file from a specific table (repeated elements) in Grid view. (nested elements are ignored)
You can open and edit the generated CSV file in Excel.

CSV file, generated from a specific XML grid table, opened by a spreadsheet program.

You can import a CSV file as well.

XPath 1.0/2.0 Evaluator

You can find elements/attributes with specific conditions.

XPath query to filter elements with an attribute value condition.

XPath query result.

XSD/DTD Validation

You can quickly find out points of errors.

Highlighting the Line Of Each Validation Error (in Text View)

XSL Transform

You can transform XML to HTML or something else using XSL Transform.

XSD Schema Editor

You can select keywords or attribute constants from properties UI.
Add schema elements based on the selected schema element type.

XSD Schema Editor


You can send an XML request and check the response.


SQL DB Client (ODBC)

You can see SQL DB Table Structures and Data.
You can import an XML file from an SQL DB Table.

SQL DB Client

Make a Backup File Quickly

You can create a backup file with a timestamp quickly by pressing a button on the top toolbar.